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Bogor, March 20, 2019 - Hotel Salak The Heritage held free blood donation and eye examination. The care program, whose theme was giving means living, is done regularly every three months. Unlike other care events, this program did not relate to any specific issue in particular, but rather purely as a real manifestation of Hotel Salak The Heritage's concern for others. It was appreciated by PMI (Red Cross Indonesia) Bogor as it greatly facilitated the work of PMI in terms of planning.

The activity was held on March 20, 2019 at Pajajaran Meeting Room from 9 am to 12 noon. There were many donors from hotel community, guests, and employees of Hotel Salak The Heritage.

"Thank you for the support and participation of the donors. Blood donations are critical to help save the lives of people. Besides, there are health benefits for the donors. It may lower the risk of suffering a heart attack, reduce the risk of developing cancer, help the liver stay healthy, and make psychologically healthier. Some donors who routinely make blood donations admit to feeling the benefits. Hopefully this activity can be useful for those who need it," said Cindy H. Posumah, the General Manager of Hotel Salak The Heritage.

There were 31 donors registered for blood donation; however, some of them could not donate their blood due to some medical and health reasons. One of the most common reasons was the low hemoglobin level. The care program collected 21 bags of blood.